As we get older, our bodies gradually produce less collagen, resulting in excess skin and wrinkles. As the skin begins sagging, it cannot support the tissue beneath it, so gravity pulls it down and stretches it.

PDO Thread Lift

Thread lift is a minimally invasive treatment and a great alternative to a facelift. The procedure uses temporary sutures to produce a subtle lift in the skin and target the aging signs on the lower face (midface, jowl and neck lifting). Rather than removing the patient’s loose skin, thread lift brings the sagging skin up and suspends it. PDO thread also encourages the production of collagen and more volume in the treated area.

PDO Thread lift comes in a variety of textures and types. Our providers are well-versed in the different types of thread lift and can help you to make an informed decision on your aesthetic treatments.

Thread Lift Treatment

Before the treatment, our provider will mark points for insertion and direction on the treated area. The inserted points will be applied, anesthetized to numb the area and avoid any sensation or discomfort.

PDO threads are attached to a long cannula. The cannula will be carefully injected into the top layer of skin and attached under the skin, reaching to a predetermined end point. The thread will be released and the cannula be removed.

Multiple threads can be inserted into the same spots in the skin, and the process will be repeated to reach the desired lift. After the injection, the threads will be massaged to make sure no dimpling is present and the tissue is smooth.

It’s totally fine for the threads to be left underneath the skin. The threads facilitate the new growth of cell and collagen production, and they dissolve completely on their own in about 6 months. The dissolution process is painless and once the process is done, the new collagen and fibrous tissue is formed in the treated area. You will continue to see the lifted effect, restoring youthfulness to the area.

Why Thread Lift

  • Instant Skin Lifting

  • Instant Skin Tightening

  • Promotes collagen production

  • Fewer fine lines and wrinkles

  • Shorter Recovery Time. The PDO thread lift is non-invasive so there is little downtime. You can expect to return to work within 1 day to 1-week post-treatment depending on the type of your job. After 48 hours, you can gently resume your basic skincare routine and apply makeup as needed.

What Areas Does Thread Lift Treat?

A thread lift treatment can target most facial areas including:

  • Sagging Cheeks

  • Smile and laugh lines

  • Loose skin around jawlines

  • Loose and sagging skin on the neck

PDO Thread Lift vs. Face Lift

PDO Thread lift is a quick procedure that can be completed in as little as 30 minutes. There is minimal downtime and can be done right in our office. There is virtually no risk of scarring, severe bruising, bleeding or other serious complication for PDO thread.

A Face lift brings more long-term results and doesn’t require maintenance. PDO is a temporary lift and it works best for those who are experiencing early signs of aging such as mild wrinkling and sagging skin.

Expected Result for PDO Thread Lift

Most patients notice minor immediate results directly after the procedure. Results may vary based on patients too. Threads will dissolve completely in about 6 months after the procedure. After the thread is dissolved, new collagen forms in the treated area, resulting in an optimal aesthetic look. The outcome has been reported to last about 18 months to 2 years.

Side effects of a thread lift might occur in the first 24-48 hours post-treatment and then resolve quickly. Some potential side effects such as infection, bruising, swelling, tenderness, numbness, and small unevenness might take a few weeks to resolve.

PDO Thread Lift in Chandler, Arizona

Book a free consultation with our providers to learn if you’re a good candidate for the procedure, as well as the thread types, expected results and treatment plan customized to your skin needs and goals.

Why Lazaderm Laser & Aesthetics

  • Free consultation with our best aestheticians and providers in Arizona

  • 18 years of MedSpa experience

  • Board-certified providers

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