
Acne scars often appear after active breakouts and can hurt one’s confidence. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, scars are formed when inflamed skin erupts into pimples because of bacteria, dead skin cells or clogged pores.

It's important to determine the type of acne scar before moving forward with treatments. Each type responds differently to different procedures.

Types of Acne Scars

There are three main types of acne scars.

Depressed Scars:

Depressed scars, also known as atrophic scars, are most common on the face. A depressed scar sits under the surface of the skin and is formed when there is a lack of collagen during the healing process.

Depressed scars are divided into three types:

  • Boxcar: Wide, u-shaped scars with sharp edges. They can either be shallow or deep.

  • Icepick: Narrow, v-shaped scars that go deep into the skin. They appear as chickenpox scar on your skin. This is the most difficult type of scar to treat.

  • Rolling: Rounded edges with irregular, rolling appearance.

Raised Scars: Raised scars, also known as hypertrophic scars, are mostly found on the back and chest. These acne scars are more common on the back and chest. The medical term for a raised scar is “hypertrophic.”

Keloid scars: These scars are quite similar to raised scars, but are much thicker than original acne spots. Keloid scars can appear red or brown in color. They can cause itchiness or pain in the area.


Before getting treatments for acne scars, it's necessary that you should clear your acne. A new acne breakout can lead to the development of new acne scars.

To obtain the best results, our aestheticians will examine and learn about your scars and the cause of them.

Chemical peels

An aesthetician might recommend a chemical peel, depending on your skin type, acne condition, and scarring.

There are so many different levels of chemical peels: light, medium and deep. It's best to consult a provider on which level of concentration is right for you.

Chemical peels can work on all types of acne scars, especially deeper ones.

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Laser resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing removes dead skin cells and targets a deeper layer of skin. The result is immediate and can rejuvenate the condition of the skin. This procedure isn't suitable for everyone, especially for those with darker skin tones.

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Our filler injector may use injectables to fill in acne scars and plump the skin back to its regular state. Our dermal fillers are comprised of hyaluronic acid (a naturally-produced compound in the body) or poly-L-lactic acid (collagen stimulation). Fillers will be injected under the skin and smooth out the depressed scar.

Most fillers last between 6 and 18 months. A patient with a small number of atrophic scars is the ideal candidate for this treatment.

Our fillers include Juvederm, Restylane and Sculptra.


Microneedling with radiofrequency uses very tiny needles to puncture the skin and target the deeper layers of the skin. Microneedling can reduce the depth of acne scars and smooth out the skin. This treatment works on all skin types and treats depressed acne scars effectively by inducing collagen production.

Acne Scar Treatments in Chandler, AZ

Acne scars can be treated effectively. Results depend on the knowledge and skill of the provider, so it's necessary to select a board-certified or licensed provider.

Our aestheticians can help you find the right treatment to treat acne and reduce the visibility of acne scars.

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  • Best Botox & Filler Injectors Nationwide.

  • Up to 18 years of experience in the Aesthetic Clinic.

  • Free Consultation and a personalized treatment plan for every patient in Chandler AZ.

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