Say Goodbye to Facial Hair FOREVER!

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The face is the most noticeable area for unwanted hair. An unwanted mustache or five o’clock shadow can affect one’s confidence.

At Lazaderm Laser & Aesthetics, we have the best laser technology that can provide permanent results without the risk of razor burn or ingrown hairs.

What Facial Areas Does Laser Hair Removal Treat?

Laser Hair Removal is not just for women, but it’s also for men.

Commonly treated areas for women are:

  • Upper lips

  • Cheeks

  • Chin

  • Sideburns

Commonly treated areas for men are:

  • Neckline

  • Beard

  • Back of the neck

Why Laser Hair Removal for the Face?

Laser treatment can leave you with perfect and smooth facial skin. It’s the real never-shave-again solution. Never do you have to worry about the rough skin in your lip or chin again. You can also say goodbye to hot wax and razor burn.

How does it work?

Laser treatment targets the dark pigment of facial hair at its root. Each session lasts a few minutes. There is no downtime, and you can get your treatment over your break.

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

The pain level of a laser treatment depends on the body part, laser technology and hair thickness. If you can bear the pain of wax on your skin, the sensation of our laser is nothing in comparison. Our lasers are unlike any other because they provide pain-free treatment. The upper lip might be the most painful area that you have to deal with, and our laser can ensure that you feel no pain at all!

Are home-device lasers effective?

The effect of a laser purchased online cannot compare to the professional laser technology used by the certified technician. Depending on skin types, hair color and thickness, a laser technician will customize the laser settings to maximize the treatment while preventing any itching & burning. In addition, as at-home lasers are considered cosmetic not medical devices, there is no guarantee of scrutiny and safety, and also no guarantee that they will work. Laser treatments should be done by professionals only.

Facial Laser Hair Removal in Chandler, AZ

Our Medical Spa is located in downtown Ocotillo, Chandler, AZ. At Lazaderm, we offer a permanent solution to facial hair removal with the results that our patients love. During the free consultation, our aesthetician will examine the treatment areas and determine the treatment sessions needed to reach your aesthetic goal.

We customize our treatment plans to treat upper lip, chin, cheeks, nose, sideburns, forehead, jawline, eyebrows, etc., There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution here at our Medical Spa.

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