
We all want to have precisely shaped eyebrows, but that would require hours in front of the mirror fixing and plucking unwanted hair away. Most traditional eyebrow removal methods (waxing, plucking, threading or shaving) are short-lived: they will only last a week or two at most.

At Lazaderm Laser & Aesthetics, we offer laser hair removal to help you get perfectly shaped eyebrows without any maintenance needed. With a series of treatments, you can have your eyebrows shaped and prevent future hair growth in certain areas. Your eyebrows will be shaped to your liking with our painless laser hair removal treatments.

Why Laser Hair Removal for the Eyebrows?

  • Helps create a symmetrical look on your face

  • More effective and faster than waxing, threading, plucking and shaving

  • Painless and quick procedure

What Can Laser Hair Removal Do for the Eyebrows?

Laser Eyebrow Shaping

A specialist administers a laser beside, above and in the brow line to remove any unwanted hair. The result is perfectly shaped eyebrows that match an aesthetic shape.

Unibrow Removal

Some may struggle with a bushy unibrow or a few strands right above the nose, and laser hair removal permanently removes the unwanted hair.

How is Laser Hair Removal Performed?

Laser hair removal is generally a very safe procedure that is performed by a highly trained professional. The laser beam targets the hair follicle emitted light pulses and removes the unwanted hair while leaving the skin unharmed.

During the procedure, you will need to wear an eye goggle to avoid the effect of a laser on your eyes.


Does eyebrow shaping with lasers hurt?

There is barely any pain with the laser hair procedure. Most don’t notice that they are even receiving a treatment. We have the most powerful laser technology that can provide a painless procedure.

After the eyebrow laser hair removal session, you may notice some redness or swelling in the treated areas. These side-effects are temporary and you can return back to your normal activities immediately.

How many sessions do you need for the eyebrows?

The number of sessions depends on your hair color, hair density, hormones, etc., Typically you might need 6-8 sessions to completely remove the hair. This is because lasers can only target hair that is actively growing. At any point, there is up to 20% of our hair is actively growing. This is why multiple sessions are needed.

How much does an eyebrow laser session cost?

The cost of the treatment depends on the size of the area being treated. During the consultation, one of our aestheticians will determine how many sessions you need for the area and how to target the eyebrows line.

Eyebrows Laser Hair Removal in Chandler, AZ

Say goodbye to pesky unibrows and unwanted hair around your eyebrows with Lazaderm Laser Hair Removal.

We have helped countless patients to remove eyebrow hair safely and effectively with our state-of-art laser technology.

Contact us today for a one on one consultation to learn about your treatment package and how you can achieve your beautiful eyebrows post-treatment. Our medspa is located in downtown Ocotillo, Chandler, AZ

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