Brazilian Laser Hair Removal in Chandler, AZ

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Pubic hair is annoying. It’s poking out of your bikini and it’s thick, dark, and coarse.

Waxing and shaving never leave a smooth or flawless appearance and it keeps coming back. Shaving and waxing also can cause razor burn, ingrown hairs, and itchiness.

If you are looking for a pain-free way to remove unwanted hair in the bikini area permanently, Brazilian laser hair removal might be right for you. No longer will you have to worry about shaving again or waste hundreds of dollars a year on other hair removal methods.

At Lazaderm Laser & Aesthetics, we offer effective, pain-free, and safe laser treatments to use in sensitive areas without burning or damaging the skin. The laser is operated by professional technicians who are extensively trained to safely utilize this technology.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Brazilian? Types of Brazilian hair removal

  2. How does laser hair removal work?

  3. Why use a Laser Treatment for Brazilian?

  4. Is it painful?

  5. Preparation

  6. Laser Hair Removal cost

  7. Get a Free consultation

What is Brazilian Laser Hair Removal?

The Brazilian bikini area includes more area than a bikini treatment. It includes the labia and perianal areas. Laser hair removal is the best solution to remove unwanted hair in sensitive, delicate areas.

Brazilian hair removal leaves women leaves the area completely bare. A few popular styles for pubic hair removal include:

  • Full Brazilian: hair removal from all areas.

  • Brazilian with stripe: All hair removed but leaves a strip of hair

  • Brazilian with triangle: All hair removed but leaves triangle of hair

  • Brazilian with custom design: All hair removed but leaves your design (based on your shaving lines)

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal can reduce hair growth by up to 90%. The laser emits light energy to target the pigments in the hair. Once the light is absorbed by the melanin, the energy will travel down to the hair follicle and damage the follicle beyond repair. Thus, the hair follicle won’t be able to produce new hair.

Laser hair removal only works when the hair is in the anagen phase of growth. As about 20% of all body hair is actively growing at any point in time, one session can treat up to 20% of hair. That’s why the combined effects of successive sessions can lead to a successful Brazilian laser treatment.

Most of the time, a patient will need at least 5-7 treatment sessions. However, the number of sessions needed is due to many factors: skin types, skin tone, skin color, hair color, genetics, hormone levels, etc.,

Why Use a Laser Treatment for Your Brazilian?

Brazilian hair removal eliminates all unwanted hair in the bikini area.

  • No downtime.

  • Results are forever. You can say goodbye to razor burn, in-grown hairs or itchiness forever.

  • Safe treatments. The laser hair removal technology is FDA-approved so you can rest assured that your sensitive areas are taken care of properly.

Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Near Me

Is Brazilian Hair Removal painful?

If you have gone through waxing in the past, laser hair removal is way more comfortable. The treatment will not cause irritation. It has no downtime and barely any side effects.

A full Brazilian session will take up to 25 minutes.

Do I need to shave before laser hair removal treatment?

To ensure the safety and efficiency of each session, the patient is required to shave the treated areas in advance. The longer the light has to travel to the follicle, the more energy it will lose over time. Long body hair, therefore, reduces the efficiency of the treatment. They also pose more risks of burning and scarring.

Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Cost

Laser hair removal is similar to an upfront investment that seems to be expensive at first, but the cost ends up much lower in the long run.

The cost of your permanent full Brazilian laser hair removal is equal to about two years of bikini waxing. In addition, you only need to come for 6 to 10 sessions and then you are completely done. Laser hair removal leaves you with the peace of mind that you no longer have to stress out about imperfect results of shaving/waxing.

Why Laser Hair Removal at Lazaderm Laser & Aesthetic

  • Customized treatment plan based on your skin’s need

  • Highly trained and skillful technicians

  • Free Consultation with a certified laser technician

  • Physician-led Medical Spa in Downtown Ocotillo, Chandler, AZ

  • Best of laser technology that ensures you safe, effective and pain-free treatments

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